Product information

Technical Details

  • ZENO YOGA MAT FOR EXERCISING - Experience the perfect balance of comfort and stability with the Zeno Yoga Mat. Our 8mm thick mat provides unparalleled support for your joints, making it ideal for yoga practitioners of all levels. Whether you"re a beginner or a seasoned yogi, the extra cushioning ensures a comfortable and safe practice, reducing the risk of injury.
  • LONG LASTING - Crafted with eco-conscious consumers in mind, the Zeno Yoga Mat is made from high-quality, environmentally friendly materials. The mat"s durability means it can withstand daily use, ensuring it remains a staple in your yoga practice for years to come.
  • SAFE TO USE - Safety is paramount in any yoga practice. The Zeno Yoga Mat features a non-slip surface, providing excellent grip and stability. This feature helps maintain balance and posture during the most challenging poses, ensuring your practice is both safe and effective.
  • PORTABLE & VERSATILE - Lightweight and easy to roll, the Zeno Yoga Mat is your perfect travel companion. Whether you"re heading to a local class or embarking on a yoga retreat, this mat is easy to carry and fits comfortably in most yoga mat bags. Its versatility makes it suitable not only for yoga but also for Pilates, stretching, and other floor exercises.
  • EASY TO CLEAN - Maintain a clean and hygienic practice space with our easy-to-clean yoga mat. The moisture-resistant material prevents the growth of bacteria and can be wiped down quickly after each session. This feature ensures your mat stays fresh, hygienic, and odor-free, no matter how often you practice.

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